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Can Dogs Eat Pears?

Bell-shaped and sweet, pears are one of those fruits most people like to eat. If you are into sharing foods with your pooch, you’re probably wondering if pears are safe for dogs to eat and whether your pup can have some.

So, can dogs eat pears? Yes, dogs can eat pears as treats. When fed in moderation, pears are a healthy snack for dogs and a good source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. But, pears are high in sugar and can cause an upset stomach or lead to obesity if eaten in large amounts. Only feed pears to your dog as treats.

In this article, we’ll talk about the benefits and downsides of feeding pears to your dog. Keep on reading to find out more!

Are Pears Good for Dogs?

Like many other fruits and vegetables, pears are completely safe for dogs to eat and can be a great addition to your dog’s diet. When fed moderately pears are good for dogs and can be a source of many essential nutrients. 

Full of vitamins C, K, and minerals such as copper, potassium, and magnesium, pears can boost your dog’s overall health. This tasty fruit also contains small amounts of folate, vitamin A, and niacin.

This bell-shaped fruit is also an amazing source of fiber that supports healthy digestion and can keep your pooch feeling full longer. While they are a good source of valuable nutrients, pears are also high in sugar, so your dog should eat them as an occasional treat only. 

Benefits of Pears for Dogs

Benefits of Pears for Dogs

Pears are completely healthy for dogs to eat and can offer many benefits when eaten moderately. The biggest benefits of feeding pears to your dog are:

1. Pears Can Boost Your Dog’s Immune System

Pears are a good source of vitamin C that can boost your dog’s immune system and make it more adept at fighting diseases. As a powerful antioxidant, vitamin C helps repair tissues and cells and also reduces the damage caused by free radicals. 

2. Pears Can Help Your Dog Look Youthful

Pears are also rich in copper, a mineral that is involved in several processes inside your dog’s body. Copper is an antioxidant that has the power to stop free radicals that cause aging to be released into your dog’s blood (source).

Additionally, copper is also involved in the formation of blood cells and is necessary for the absorption of iron and calcium. 

3. Pears Support Organ Health

Pears also contain magnesium, which is the second most abundant mineral in your dog’s body after potassium. Dogs need magnesium for almost all of their bodily functions.

Some of these functions include muscle health and regeneration, organ health and functioning, emotional and mental well-being. 

4. Pears Promote Optimal Digestion

Like many other fruits, pears are an excellent source of dietary fiber that promotes healthy digestion and nutrient absorption. The added fiber count from pears can help bulk up your dog’s stool and regulate their bowel movement (source). 

Bear in mind, the extra fiber count from pears can be problematic for some dogs and cause digestive issues. Thus, in the beginning, only feed a very small amount of pear to your dog to give their tummy time to adjust to the extra fiber. 

Risks of Pears for Dogs

Risks of Pears for Dogs

While dogs can safely eat pears as treats, there are some risks associated with feeding this fruit to dogs. Potential side-effects of pears for dogs include:

1. High Sugar Content 

Pears, like many other fruits, have a high sugar content that can be problematic for dogs. Consuming too much sugar long term can lead to weight gain and even obesity in dogs, so don’t feed pears to your pooch as a regular treat.

Short term, too much sugar can cause digestive problems such as constipation and diarrhea in some dogs. If your pooch has loose stool or strains to poop after eating pears, stop feeding them this fruit. 

2. Cyanide Poisoning

Pear seeds contain traces of cyanide which can be toxic to dogs when consumed in large amounts. Since pear seeds are only toxic in large quantities don’t panic if your pup swallows one or two seeds. 

However, it’s always better to err on the side of caution when dealing with potentially toxic foods. Therefore, remove all the seeds and remove the core of the pear before feeding it to your dog. 

3. Choking Hazard

While dogs can eat pears safely, this fruit can still pose a choking hazard for some dogs, especially small breeds. Always cut up the pear into bite-size pieces before feeding it to your dog and monitor your pooch while they chew to prevent choking.

Additionally, pear skins and seeds can also pose a choking hazard. To be on the safe side, peel the pear and remove all seeds before serving it to your dog.

How Much Pear Can My Dog Eat? 

Since pears have high sugar content and more calories than some other fruits, you should feed them to your dogs as treats only. When serving pears follow a 10 percent treat rule, meaning that pears should make up to 10 percent of your dog’s daily calorie intake (source). 

If you aren’t sure exactly how much pear your dog can eat, talk with your vet. They will be able to tell you the serving size based on your dog’s size, age, activity level, and overall health.

How to Feed Pears to Your Dog? 

If you decide to feed pears to your dog, make sure to remove the peels and seeds first. Only when all potential choking hazards are removed you can proceed with feeding your dog pears. 

Popular ways to feed pears to dogs are:

  • Offer a slice of pear as a treat
  • Cut the pear into bite-size pieces and feed it to your dog
  • Grate the pear and mix it with your dog’s food
  • Freeze pieces of pear and offer as refreshing treats


Including pears in your dog’s diet is a great way to boost their vitamin and mineral intake and support their overall health. While pears are completely safe for dogs, they are high in sugar so feed them moderately, as an occasional treat. 

Bear in mind, pear seeds contain traces of cyanide which is toxic to dogs when ingested in large quantities. To be on the safe side, peel the skin and remove the seeds before feeding a pear to your dog. 

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