Schipperke by Regina | May 15, 2023The Schipperke, Belgium's "little captain," is the Low Countries' traditional barge dog. This... read more
Poodle (Standard) by Regina | May 11, 2023The Poodle is one of Dogdom's real aristocrats and comes in Standard, Miniature, or Toy sizes, as... read more
Poodle (Miniature) by Regina | May 10, 2023The Poodle is one of Dogdom's real aristocrats and comes in Standard, Miniature, or Toy sizes, as... read more
Tibetan Terrier by Regina | May 6, 2023The Tibetan Terrier, often known as the "Holy Dog of Tibet," is a venerable companion and watchdog... read more
Tibetan Spaniel by Regina | May 6, 2023The energetic and inquisitive Tibetan Spaniel was developed centuries ago to serve as a sentinel... read more
Norwegian Lundehund by Regina | May 3, 2023The only dog breed developed specifically for the task of puffin hunting is the Norwegian... read more
Xoloitzcuintli by Regina | May 2, 2023The ancient Aztec dog of the gods, Xoloitzcuintli (pronounced "show-low-eats-QUEENT-lee"), is now... read more
Löwchen by Regina | May 2, 2023The Löwchen, a companion dog whose name means 'small lion,' has been a favorite pet among... read more
Keeshond by Regina | Apr 28, 2023The friendly Keeshond is a medium-sized spitz dog with a thick coat who is known for the... read more
French Bulldog by Regina | Apr 22, 2023One of the most well-known little dog breeds in the world, particularly among urban inhabitants,... read more
Finnish Spitz by Regina | Apr 21, 2023The lively Finnish Spitz, a small but fearless hunting dog from the "Land of 60,000 Lakes," is... read more
Dalmatian by Regina | Apr 19, 2023The distinguished Dalmatian, known for his spotted coat and distinctive work description, is... read more