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Can Dogs Eat Eggs?

As a dog owner, you probably know that some human foods are safe for dogs to eat, while others should be avoided at all costs. But what about eggs – are they good for dogs to eat or not so much?

So, can dogs eat eggs? Yes, dogs can eat cooked eggs. Hard-boiled or scrambled eggs are completely safe for dogs and are a great source of protein. They are also rich in essential vitamins and minerals and dogs can eat eggs as treats. Don’t feed raw eggs to dogs since they aren’t safe and can be a source of Salmonella. 

In this article, we’ll tell you everything you need to know about feeding eggs to your dog and what is the best way to do it. Keep on reading to find out more!

Are Eggs Good for Dogs?

Nutrient-dense and filling eggs are one of the best human foods you can feed to your dog! In fact, the entire egg, including egg yolks, egg whites, and eggshells is good for dogs to eat.

Eggs are an amazing source of protein for dogs and they also contain many essential fatty acids and amino acids. 

Full of necessary vitamins and minerals, eggs can boost your dog’s immune system and support healthy skin and coat. As long as the egg is properly cooked, your dog can eat it as a healthy treat that will supplement their regular diet. 

Benefits of Eggs for Dogs

Benefits of Eggs for Dogs

Including eggs in your dog’s diet can have major benefits for their overall health and well-being. The biggest health benefits of feeding eggs to dogs are:

1. Eggs Build Strong Muscles

Eggs are an amazing source of high-quality protein and amino acids that build lean and strong muscles. One egg contains approximately seven grams of protein and can help your dog to feel full for longer and also increase their muscle mass (source). 

2. Eggs Support Strong Bones

Eggs are good sources of vitamin D which helps dogs to regulate calcium and phosphorus levels. Vitamin D deficiency in dogs can cause weakened bones, poor muscle activity, and heart problems. 

3. Eggs Support Skin Health

Eggs are also rich in vitamin A, an essential vitamin that helps dogs maintain their overall health. Your dog’s skin, coat, muscles, and nerves all need vitamin A to function properly.

If your dog has a dull-looking coat or dry skin, it may have a vitamin A deficiency. In this case, feeding eggs to your dog can improve their skin health and help them get the right amount of vitamin A. 

Side Effect of Eggs for Dogs

Side Effect of Eggs for Dogs

While feeding your dog eggs can be extremely beneficial, it can also be risky if you don’t do it right! The common risk associated with feeding eggs to dogs are: 

1. Salmonella

There are no nutritional benefits of feeding raw eggs to dogs, however, your dog is at risk of contracting Salmonella from a raw egg. This serious bacterial infection causes vomiting and diarrhea and can be extremely hard to treat (source).

Furthermore, you can also catch Salmonella from feeding raw eggs to your pooch. So, for the sake of your and your dog’s health you should err on the side of caution and only serve cooked eggs to your pooch.

2. Biotin Deficiency

Feeding raw egg whites over a prolonged period of time can cause biotin deficiency in dogs. Uncooked egg whites contain an enzyme that prevents absorption of the biotin inside the body which can create skin and digestive issues over time.

Please note, this is a very rare side effect and it can only happen if you are feeding raw egg whites to your dog. Cooking an egg will help you avoid this issue entirely.

3. Allergies

Despite common beliefs that grains are the main reason for allergies in dogs, most dogs tend to be allergic to proteins in their food. Since eggs are naturally rich in protein they can cause allergies in some dogs.

If your dog is experiencing any symptoms of allergies including vomiting, diarrhea, itchiness around the ears or paws, you should avoid feeding them eggs (source). 

How Many Eggs Can a Dog Eat in a Day?

An average egg contains 70 calories and can be an amazing treat for dogs of all ages and sizes. Like all other treats, eggs shouldn’t make more than 10 percent of your dog’s daily calorie intake. 

Ultimately, how many eggs you will feed to your dog depends solely on their size. A large size dog, like a German Shepherd, can safely eat one egg a day as a tasty and nutritious treat. 

Can Dogs Eat Eggshells?

Eggshells contain calcium and phosphorus and are perfectly safe for dogs to eat (source). Depending on your dog’s preferences you can feed them a cooked egg with an eggshell or you can remove the shell and grind it in powder.

You can use eggshell powder to supplement your dog’s calcium and phosphorus by mixing it with raw food. If you are feeding a commercial dog’s diet, there is no need to use eggshell as a supplement if your vet didn’t tell you otherwise. 

How to Feed Eggs to Your Dog?

There are several ways you can feed eggs to your dog, but the safest way is to boil them first. Once the egg is cooked you should feed it to your dog immediately, as soon as it is cool enough to eat. 

Popular ways to feed eggs to dogs are:

  • Chop a hard-boiled egg and feed it as a treat
  • Mix a cooked egg with your dog’s food
  • Make plain scrambled eggs
  • Hard boil an egg and give it to your dog without removing the shell


Eggs are an excellent source of protein and also contain vitamins and minerals that can boost your dog’s overall health. You can use eggs as tasty treats and a way to include more proteins into your pup’s diet.

Don’t forget, only feed cooked eggs to your dog, to avoid Salmonella infections and biotin deficiency. And if your pooch has allergies forgo eggs completely and feed bananas or blueberries instead. 

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