The renowned “Sleuth Hound” is known for doing one thing better than any other animal on earth: finding individuals who are missing or hiding. One of the most obedient dogs in the canine kingdom when not on duty, the Bloodhound is persistent and hard-headed while tracking down a scent.
The height at the shoulder of a bloodhound ranges from 23 to 27 inches, and they can weigh up to 110 pounds. Their long, wrinkly face with loose skin, enormous, drooping ears, and warm, deep-set eyes that complete a look of solemn majesty are their most recognizable features. The hue of the coat can be red, liver, or black and tan. Bloodhounds can scent over miles of difficult terrain thanks to their powerful legs. Bloodhounds enjoy company, especially that of other dogs, kids, and other pack members. They are laid-back, although occasionally their nose can get them into trouble. It’s advised to take them on long walks with a sturdy leash in areas where they can enjoy exploring on their own. Because bloodhounds slobber a lot, teaching them to be obedient can be difficult.