The English Foxhound is a large, powerful, galloping dog. His long legs are as solid and straight as a gatepost. The back is level in every way. Additionally, the chest is unusually deep, “girthing” up to 31 inches on a hound measuring 24 inches at the shoulder, guaranteeing that there is enough lung capacity for a strenuous day of hunting. Although gentle and social, these pack-oriented, scent-driven hounds are rarely kept as indoor pets. They may be so consumed by a primal urge to pursue something that they may not give any thought to training. The finest people to own these wonderful animals are huntsmen who keep packs of hounds or people who have experience overcoming unique problems with swift, powerful hounds that are hardwired for the job.
The English Foxhound embodies the qualities of beauty, balance, and usefulness that serious dog breeders want to achieve. The long legs are as solid and straight as a gatepost. The back is level in every way. Additionally, the chest is unusually deep, “girthing” up to 31 inches on a hound measuring 24 inches at the shoulder, guaranteeing that there is enough lung capacity for a strenuous day of hunting. A poet once said, “There are few such combinations of grace and strength as in a fine Foxhound, next to an old Greek statue.”