The Scottish Terrier, a firmly compact dog with a vibrant attitude, is an independent, confident companion with great spirits. Scotties have a dignified, almost human personality. Their terrier tenacity has given the breed the moniker ‘the Diehard.’ The well-known Scottie silhouette is that of a short-legged but hefty terrier with noticeable furnishings at the beard, legs, and lower body. The wiry topcoat and soft, dense undercoat coat might be black, wheaten yellow, or striped with brindle. Bright, penetrating eyes, as well as erect ears and tail, convey strong alertness distinguishing features of Britain’s terrier breeds. Scotties have been regarded as competent and businesslike in their working attitude, and their aloofness toward outsiders makes them good watchdogs. Their hunting urge is still strong, which can make life difficult for the neighbor’s cat, and Scotties are known to be aloof toward other dogs. This daring and astute Scotsman enjoys fast walks and lively play.