The Toy Fox Terrier was once a barnyard ratter but has evolved into a small satin-coated terrier with a charming toy-dog attitude, or as breed fanciers like to remark, “truly a toy and a terrier.” An easy way to have fun is to adopt a lapdog’s level of lovability. Combine with the terrier’s resolve. Pour the mixture into a container that is perfectly balanced. Put on a satin coat that fits you closely. Dark eyes that glitter with eager intellect are topped with broad, upright ears. This is a toy fox terrier, a comical small dog that is under a foot tall yet has enough charm to win over a pack of typical canines. TFTs are truly a toy and a terrier, claim lovers of the breed.
Toy Fox Terrier
Average sizes and life
expectancy of the breed.

8.5-11.5 inches
4 – 9 lbs
Life Expectancy
13-15 years
Breed Traits & Characteristics
About the Breed

Owning a dog is not just a privilege; it’s a responsibility. They depend on us for, at minimum, food and shelter, and deserve much more. When you take a dog into your life, you need to understand the commitment that dog ownership entails.
Recommended Health Tests From the National Breed Club:
- Patella Evaluation
- Thyroid Evaluation
- Primary Lens Luxation(PLL)
By mating their litter runts with toy dogs, such as Chihuahuas and Italian Greyhounds, American breeders of Smooth Fox Terriers created the Toy Fox Terrier in the early 20th century. As a result, a dog was created that had the fire of a real terrier and the charming toy-breed demeanor. They started out as barnyard ratters but soon found their way into the entertainment industry where their wit, elegance, and stylish appearance served them well as circus trick dogs. They now exhibit championship-caliber agility in competitive sports.