This intriguing but difficult breed of old pedigree is fiercely devoted to family but wary of outsiders. The physical traits of the Chinese Shar-Pei make him a unique companion and watchdog. The compact, medium-sized Chinese Shar-Pei possesses a variety of peculiar physical characteristics, including a broad “hippopotamus” muzzle, a blue-black tongue, small, sunken eyes, tiny triangular ears, lots of loose skin folds around the head, neck, and shoulders, and a tapered, high-set tail, all of which are covered in a rough, sandpaper-like coat. Shar-Pei is powerful, royal, autonomous guardians renowned for wisdom and loyalty (literally translated, “sand skin”). Both strangers and other dogs raise their suspicions. Even though Shar-Pei is calm dogs, they will fight back if they feel a threat.