Korean Dog Commands – Teaching Your Dog Korean Commands!

Whether you have a Korean dog breed or not, your dog can benefit from learning Korean dog commands. Training a dog in a different language is becoming increasingly popular and can even be less confusing than using English obedience commands. 

But, do dogs understand Korean? Dogs can understand Korean and other foreign languages without any special training. Studies have found that dogs can detect speech and distinguish languages just like people. Dogs also know when someone is speaking to them in their native tongue or using a foreign language. 

Teaching Korean dog commands to your dog can make training sessions a lot more fun. Keep on reading to find a list of all basic Korean dog commands and to learn what are the advantages of training your pooch in a different language. 

Why Is It Important to Teach Dogs Basic Korean Commands?

If you’ve adopted a puppy or adult dog from a rescue organization there’s a chance that it came from a completely different environment, or possibly another country. Many rescue organizations and shelters take care of dogs that have been rescued from captivity on South Korean dog farms (source). 

If you decide to go through a shelter or rescue organization, there’s a chance that you’ll come across dogs that were rescued from other countries. In this case, training a dog in its home language can provide a smoother transition. 

Another reason why you would want to train your dog in Korean is to prevent anyone else from issuing commands to your dog without your permission. 

The Korean language is completely different from the English language, so training your dog in Korean might take more time than standard dog training. However, the additional effort is well worth it considering all the benefits of training a dog in the Korean language. 

Why Korean Commands?

There are many reasons why you would wish to train your dog in basic Korean commands. 

If your dog has been rescued from a Korean dog farm, it may already know some commands in Korean. Rescue dogs will also react better to being trained in their home language, as they adjust to the new life outside the cage.

Another reason why Korean is a good choice for training is that it’s completely different from English. This reduces the likelihood of your dog confusing your conversational interactions with other people as a command to perform a specific task. 

What Are the Primary Korean Dog Commands? 

What Are the Primary Korean Dog Commands

While Korean might seem intimidating to English speakers, with some patience, consistency, and effort you can train a dog to obey Korean obedience commands. Most Korean dog commands are short and easy to remember which will make the training a lot easier for both you and your dog. 

Check out the list of basic Korean commands for dogs that you can start learning today!

1. Sit – Anja 앉아

The command “sit” is one of the most important obedience commands for dogs and the first thing you’re going to train your pooch to do. To train your dog to sit in Korean, use the word “anja.”

2. Stay – Meomuleuda 머무르다

After training your dog to sit in Korean, you can proceed to teach it the “stay” command in Korean too. Use the Korean word “meomuleuda” to train your dog to stay in place on cue. 

3. Lie Down – Nuwo 누워

The Korean command “nuwo” is shorter and easier to remember than “lie down” in English. To train your dog to lie down in Korean, it needs to know how to sit on cue.

When your dog is in a sitting position and you have a treat in your hand, move the hand from your dog’s nose to its chest, and then down towards the floor. If your dog follows your hand into the lying down position give them a treat and continue practicing (source). 

4. Come – Oda 오다

Training a dog to come when called is one of the most important skills you can teach them. To teach your dog to come in Korean, say the word “oda.”

5. Let’s Go – Gaja 가자

Teaching your dog, the “let’s go” command can be beneficial in many situations. If you want to teach your dog this command in Korean, use the word “gaja.”

6. No – Aniyo  아니요

The “no” command is one of the first things your dog is going to learn if you train it in English. To teach your dog the “no” command in Korean use the word “aniyo.”

7. Give Paw – Son 손

The “give paw” isn’t exactly a basic obedience command, but you can start teaching your pooch basic tricks once they’ve learned basic commands. Use the Korean word “son” to train your dog to give paw on cue. 

8. Fetch – Gajeowa 가져와

Whether you plan to take your dog hunting, or just want to teach your dog to play fetch use the Korean word “gajeowa.” Both you and your dog will have fun while training this command because you’ll dog can learn it through play.

9. Walk – Geodda 걷다

Similar to the command “let’s go” the command “walk” also clues the dog as to what is about to happen. To teach your dog that you’re about to start walking, use the Korean word “geodda.”

10. Roll – Gulleo 굴러

Roll over is another cute and easy trick you can teach your dog with the help of treats and positive reinforcement training. Use the command “gulleo” to teach your dog to roll over in Korean. 

Benefits of Teaching Dogs Korean Commands

There are many benefits of training your dog using Korean commands. In fact, dog trainers in the working dog community have been using foreign languages to train their dogs for years. 

Training dogs in different languages has become popular among dog owners as well. More people are training their dogs using Russian dog commands, Hebrew dog commands, and French dog commands.

The biggest benefits of training Korean dog commands to your dog are:

  • Teaching your dog commands in Korean is a great way to start over. Instead of trying to correct, reinforce, or retrain a particularly complex command, you can simply start over using a different language.
  • Using Korean dog commons means that no one except you will be able to issue orders to your dog.
  • The Korean language is completely different from English, so there’s less chance that your dog will confuse a particular word as a cue to perform a specific task.
  • Learning commands in a different language will challenge and mentally stimulate your dog. Both you and your dog will have fun training which will deepen your bond. 

Disadvantages of Teaching Dogs Korean Commands

The main disadvantage of training your dog in Korean is that a lot of people don’t know this language. If your dog only understands Korean words for simple commands such as sit, stay, come, and lie down, it can be impossible for other people to issue commands or control your dog.

This won’t be an issue if you take care of your dog alone. However, your friends or family won’t be able to look after your dog while you’re at work without knowing basic Korean dog commands.

Additionally, you won’t be able to leave your dog in a kennel or daycare, if necessary, because the staff there won’t have any means of controlling your dog unless they know Korean. 

Can Dogs Learn Both English and Korean commands?

Dogs can learn both English and Korean commands. Since dogs can distinguish different languages, you can train your dog in any language you see fit.

If you decide to train your dog using Korean dog commands you may want to consider training them a few basic English commands too. This way, anyone else looking after your pooch will be able to control them using the basic obedience commands.


It’s becoming increasingly popular to train dogs in foreign languages such as Korean, Russian, French, and German. This type of training has several benefits and it will help you form a stronger bond with your dog.

If you decide to train your pup using Korean dog commands, spend some time practicing the pronunciation. Only if you can pronounce the words correctly and clearly do you have a chance to train your dog successfully using the Korean language. 

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